Our latest project is up and ready to go! The Flash Project is another long-term project to create library assets for some of the most popular games created in Adobe Flash.
For API users, we have a new external platform "
" that you can use to query assets via their game UUID.
Note that not all games in Flashpoint will exist in our database since we have to add/associate them manually. Anything currently in the project and any more we add are ready to use though!
More changes to the scoring system. It actually got updated twice since the last announcement, just didn't want a changelog with a single line.
Fix Steam games not being reindexed after name is changed. [1 2]
Fix some some Steam games importing with an escaped quotation mark. [1]
Fix Wii U "Missing Grid (Horizontal)" filter not working. [1]
Fix Wii U project counting square grids as vertical. [1]
Don't show vote buttons on your own assets. [1]
The tests mentioned in the previous update are still underway. One of the more obvious changes is the introduction of a new sorting option. (Selected by default, the old one can still be manually selected.)
We'll continue to keep a close eye on everything and make adjustments accordingly. The process of designing a system that everyone is happy with is long and complex, so please bear with us. Votes will remain hidden until everything is finalized.
Add global dimensions filters.
Don't show items that are already filtered in filter select menu.
Expand the user filter list by default when it's empty.
Start testing new sorting algorithm. The old sort is still available under "Score (Old)"
Performance improvements.
Fix ability to filter by ICO group sizes. [1]
New asset page.
Show a tip when reporting your own asset.
You can now see assets that you've liked from your profile.
Open list of users when clicking the number of likes beside the ♥.
Don't generate Open Graph thumbnail for assets marked as adult content. [1]
Prevent modals from closing when releasing from a drag.
Fix search typeahead breaking when a search term is too long.
Fix previous game metadata showing when navigating between game pages.
In the next few weeks, we're going to be running some experimental tests and changes with how assets are discovered, sorted, and interacted with.
Some of these tests will be obvious, some subtle, and some changes will be in the background and you probably won't notice anything.
Everything introduced will be iterated upon or scrapped depending on the results. Not every change will be announced as they happen. Please bear with us.
The following filters are currently available:
Some filters are only available to logged in users due to technical limitations. There will be more filters added in the future.
You can get to the filter settings by clicking "Global Filter Preferences" within search results. (Or you can just click here)
You can now see an approximation how many views an asset has within the asset page.
Improve icon upload preview.
Allow icons with 194x194 entries.
Hide votes.
Bunch of various style fixes and changes.
Prevent modals from closing when releasing from a drag.
Fix search typeahead breaking when a search term is too long.
Fix previous game metadata showing when navigating between game pages.
Speed up processing.
Improve thumbnail file sizes.
Fix logos with ⪆60,000 pixels failing to process.
Allow more ICO entry sizes.
Fixed some ICO files extracting incorrectly.
Moved the second half of Tagging Assets #1e (Previously: "Extreme realistic gore, including photos of any extreme injury to real people.") to a new entry: Asset Removal #8.
Don't switch to grid results when browsing a different asset type.
Clear field after a search.
Fix new searches not working when already on results page.
Added /steam/APPID
to redirect to a game page via Steam App ID.
Example: https://www.steamgriddb.com/steam/620 → https://www.steamgriddb.com/game/17830
Show default Steam client icons in "Original Steam Assets" popup.
Port project pages from old view.
Change Steam CDN path.steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net
→ cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com
Update Discord branding.
Minor style changes.
Fixed some tier 1 patrons having access to tier 2 profile customization in rare cases.
Fix some icons generating blank or broken thumbnails.
Fix generating thumbnails for icons that have a single 256x256 bmp entry.
Favor largest icon over bit depth for icon thumbnails.
Stop corrupted icons from passing validation.
Use a tabbed interface for the different types of assets.
Link to uploaded asset after successful upload.
Add drag and drop back (again).
Allow pasting an image directly into the upload form.
Put newly added images below the existing ones.
Fix icon validation not allowing you to add ico files when using OSX.
Fix bug where pressing the "X" would clear other items.
Show file type in detailed view and asset pages.
Add language to asset pages.
Make asset counts on the homepage clickable.
Show square grids and icons on the right in detailed view.
Auto focus search input when opening the nav bar search.
Minor style changes everywhere.
Fix game pages not showing icon counts.
Fix modals causing horizontal scrolling on mobile.
Here it is! Square grids!!!!! 🎉🎉
I don't think i need to write anything else.
if you're wondering what that sound is, it's probably the Playnite horde rapidly approaching
Support has been added with support for ICO files and PNGs.
Not to be confused with square grids. Please read this to get an idea on the difference.
Now out of beta! The new search allows for much more freedom when searching for games. See below for some of the changes compared to the previous site search.
Added ability to filter by specific asset dimensions. [1]
Added ability to filter by file type.
Added ability to filter by language. [1]
Add ability to filter asset tags. (Humor, Adult Content, Epilepsy) [1]
The new asset view is complete and is now live on all pages. Thanks to everyone who helped test and provide feedback during development!
The entire site front-end (and lots of the backend) was rewritten from scratch. You might won't see much of a difference since it was designed to look mostly the same. There are a bunch of small changes everywhere but it would be cumbersome to list them all here.
Added ability to filter by mime
Added icons.
Asset responses now return mime
types, width
, height
Added square grid dimensions.
Begin public testing for new asset view (see Discord).
Slightly faster asset processing.
Show more detailed errors on why an upload failed.
Preliminary preparations for icon and 1:1 grid support.
Fix certain types of heroes failing to process.
Fix logos showing incorrect image dimensions.
Improve detection of assets that have an alpha layer but is fully opaque. (processor)
Add "How do I get around Steam from reloading itself when I try to add an asset"
Fix typos.
Add ability to edit game requests.
More tools for the mods.
Minor style changes everywhere.
Fix typo on apng page.
Remove link to 2020 year in review thing on top.
Upgrade Redoc.
Improve search results for exact game matches.
The asset filtering part of the search is now out of beta, but changes to the main search is still in the works.
Use new asset filtering by default.
Remove old asset filtering system.
Add ability to mark your assets with an epilepsy warning. [1]
Allow drag and drop when only when upload modals are open. [1]
Allow reporting an asset multiple times for the same reason.
Fix invalid heroes showing on homepage hero.
Minor style changes. Mostly to make things more compact on mobile.
Show less pagination buttons.
Remove ability to sort assets by score globally.
Open sourced this changelog generator: https://github.com/doZennn/simplechanges-js
Currently very specific to SGDB which will change once I start using it with more projects.
Added more mods to goldsrc project.
Fix requests failing to be submitted if certain characters are in the description.
Logged out users can now opt-in for testing!
Use OR
instead of AND
filtering for tags. [1]
Minor style changes.
Now available for public testing! (Public-ish, you need to be logged in.)
Add new search to profile pages.
Make filters more mobile friendly by making it collapsible and use the native mobile selector.
Write to url when using filters and paging on browse pages. (/grids, /logos, /heroes)
Show a spinner on initial load.
Fix paging heroes and logos on game pages.
More memory optimizations.
Add logos to GoldSrc project showcase thingy.
Make game backgrounds responsive.
Fix GoldSrc project filters.
Fix GoldSrc project template links.
Improve game title matching on autocomplete API endpoint.
Rename "Help" to "Rules".
Remove ability to upload via drag and drop.
Remove link to manager page from nav and add a note to the page. (Don't worry, it'll come back!)
A project to create covers for popular Half-Life mods in the style of the classic Half-Life box arts. See the project page for more details: https://www.steamgriddb.com/projects/goldsrc
Special thanks to Jib for stepping up to manage this project!
Add a way to filter out untagged assets.
Add labels to more filters.
Make selectors select the first selected item on first select.
Fix Humor and Adult Content filters not doing anything.
Performance optimizations.
Add ability to allow multiple contributors to add to the same collection. (Only used for the GoldSrc project for now, this isn't public yet)
Make the projects view on the homepage more compact.
Added new search to /grids, /logos, and /heroes.
Don't use the new search for pages that don't use filters.
Show some text if nothing is found.
Fix search cache not clearing assets from deleted users.
Show less heroes on the homepage (14 -> 8)
Don't show removed games in search results. (Old search)
Add search to the home (current implementation will most likely change)
Count assets from Steam as "completed".
Add pagination links to the bottom of results.
Ensure at least static or animated is checked.
Hide languages not used in results.
Replace spinner with a fade effect.
Fix deletions and votes/scores not syncing.
Fix dropdown filters not working at all for some users.
Detect and save page state. (back/forward buttons work now and you won't lose the page you were on when refreshing)
Fix memory leak in the search backend.
The new search is now available for testing. To make it easier for me to keep track of bugs or catastrophes, the beta search will only be available to Patrons and Moderators. Access will open up to everyone else once it is deemed stable enough for a large amount of testers. Only available for game pages for now. It will be extended to user pages, the home, and the main search before the beta ends. To opt-in, go to a game page and click "Try out the beta search!".
Added Asset Removal #7: https://www.steamgriddb.com/help#asset-removal-7
Make game links clickable in asset logs.
Fix animated logos not showing on game pages.
Fix whatchamacallits markdown parser showing html entities on collection descriptions. [1]
Fix sorting logos on old search.
Fix links to users not working in the reports list.
Fix user names not being editable. [1]
Allow linking to specific help items.
Add links to help sections in the upload forms.
Mobile fixes to Help/FAQ pages.
Fix API returning invalid assets if querying by game ID.
Add instructions to the Wii U Project on how to work around broken Nintendo images.
Parse markdown on report comments.
Fixed bugs with the Patreon API (again).
Fixed typo on help page.
Fixed assets added to collections not being added to the beginning in some cases.
Temporarily removed Google AdSense until a problem we're having with them is fixed.
You can now change the order of your badges or hide badges from showing up from the user preferences page. https://www.steamgriddb.com/profile/preferences
Add a Moderator badge.
Show badge award date on profiles.
By popular demand, changes have been made to the Wii U project to make it more doable.
Added eShop banners and icons to each game in case you need a reference.
Added more "Missing" filters.
Changed tracking to only check for the "Alternate" style.
The Tetris Project was briefly opened up again after more official games were found. As of today is has been completed again and I've awarded the new contributors the Tetris Artificer badge, enjoy!
Add style counts for logos to profiles.
Sort collections on profiles by recently updated first.
Make asset counts on profiles trigger when hovered on asset names.
Use a muted color on Asset IDs that are deleted on report pages.
Fixed up/down arrow keys not working on most pages.
Fixed "Best Used With [...]" text showing up on the wrong pages.
Fixed project percentages.
Attempt to fix Patreon webhooks.
Scroll to correct page position when navigating resolved/unresolved pages.
The project to complete assets for every official Tetris game (and some bootlegs and fan games) has been completed! Everyone who contributed to the project has been awarded the Tetris Artificer badge. Check your profiles! :TetrisArtificer:
Added eShop banners and icons to each game in case you need a reference.
Added more "Missing" filters.
Rewrote/refactored most of the site backend.
Added GOG/Steam icons to asset pages. [1]
A bunch of other small things I can't remember while I was rewriting everything.
You can now filter by humor
and nsfw
. These are filtered out by default to keep backwards compatibility. You have to enable these specifically if you want them included in the output.
The legacy v1 endpoints are now disabled. According to the logs these haven't been accessed in a while, and I didn't want to maintain them anymore.
Added a new notifications page where you can see all of your notifications.
Added a red dot to the bell icon if you have unread notifications.
Make loading additional notifications more stable on slower connections.
Show a loading spinner when more notifications are loading.
Added https://www.steamgriddb.com/help & https://www.steamgriddb.com/faq.
Thanks to the @Moderators for their help with this!
We now have a notification system with (very) basic functionality. I'm releasing this early to get the mod tools out sooner. Expect more polish and use out of this in the future!
Thanks to the feedback from the moderators, I have extended the reporting system to allow the reporter and moderators to comment on a report they made in case further discussion is needed. Moderators will also be able to lock assets from being edited by the uploader in response to special cases. You will also be alerted if a moderator has made any changes to your assets.
All of these integrates into the new notification system.
Show an "Are you sure" popup when trying to close the page if assets are still in queue. [1]
Fixed custom avatars sometimes not updating on profiles.
Cleaned up the game requests form so things handle more smoothly.
You can now reports assets by clicking the report icon (🚩) below the image.
Fix position of filter types on logo search results. [1]
I've set up a Trello board so you can see what I'm currently working on and what is planned. https://trello.com/b/bhrqOQGX/steamgriddb-roadmap
Introducing The Tetris Project, a project whose goal is to make assets for every single Tetris game out there (and some not out there). https://www.steamgriddb.com/projects/tetris
You can now delete your account and all data related to it from the preferences page.
Deletion is permanent and cannot be undone. it'll be like you never existed
I've added the ability to choose a logo type on upload, I encourage you to change the style of your own logos (click the gear), or report any other uploads that are wrong. If you have a huge bulk of logos, let me know and I'll fix them for you.
Added logo types (Official, White, Black, and Custom).
Add new Galaxy 2.0 size (660x930)
Added filters for legacy sizes.
Fixed most legacy grids not having sizes.
(Note to API users, the legacy
option for the dimensions
param is now removed.)
Fix bad math on Wii U project percentage. [1]
Use the sum of upvotes and downvotes to sort assets.
Fix some notes not getting cropped off properly [1]
Migrate score sorting system to sort by highest upvote % first.
Start logging more info when a vote is cast.
Fix pluralization on vote hover text.
Update stars after casting a vote.
Fix ads opt-in not working (Check your preferences page if you're a Patron).
Fix the new icons not showing up for some people.
Add "Humor" tag for assets.
Show an indicator for assets marked Adult Content.
Show chosen language on assets.
Update legacy upload page cause people still use that apparently. [1]
Add IsThereAnyDeal prices to game pages.
Allow supporters to opt-out of hiding ads. You can find this option in the preferences page. [1]
Spruced up the Supporters page.
Overhaul search backend. Only on the upload/edit pages (/api/v2/search/autocomplete
endpoint), main search coming after more tests. [1 2 3 4 5]
Fix ads not showing up (probably).
Fix some pages not loading JavaScript [1]
Added ads (You won't see it if you're a Patron)
Minor style updates.
Slightly improved performance when searching. (This is just a temporary fix for a larger problem, a search overhaul will come soon)
Put projects in a dropdown menu.
Remove mysterious 1px line showing below mobile nav bar.
Fix calculating length of notes on Chromium browsers.
The projects feature that nobody asked for is now live starting with the Wii U Library project!
Projects will be used as a way to have a concentrated effort to create assets with a specific goal in mind and track progress while doing it.
These are considered to be long-term and aren't expected to be 100% complete at all. (But hey I won't stop you guys from trying anyway :wink:)
If you feel the itch to create assets but don't know what to work on, this would be a great start. The Wii U was chosen as the first project for several reasons:
I spent around 2 weeks scraping the eShop and assigning each game to the proper game in the database.
As a result, API users can easily query for assets via the eShop title key, product code, or the shop uid.
More projects will come depending on how this is received.
Added a hover tooltip to the icons in the game selector.
Added a search bar to nav. [1]
Add limited markdown to asset notes and collection descriptions. [1]bold, italics, ordered and unordered lists, inline and fenced code, auto links and links with labels
Show excerpt of asset notes when hovering over the icon. [1]
Change label on search filters.
Remove outline on close buttons on modals.
Indent child items in hamburger menu.
Fix hamburger menu not scrolling. [1]
Fixed file size calculations. [1]
Fix edits on heroes and logos not saving. If you edited a hero or logo after the 13th, it most likely didn't save.
Add ability set asset language.
Add icon indicating if the asset has notes.
Fix notes field sometimes showing old info when editing
Don't show style selector when editing logos. [1]
Added ability to add notes to assets.
Updated meta tags for collections & profiles. [1]
Save header_image
when getting info from Steam.
Fix logos overflowing on mobile.
Fix normal heroes not showing on game pages if "Always Show Adult Content" is on
Add option to disable Adult Content filter in user preferences.
Don't show images marked as Adult Content on game page headers.
Removed/fixed some invalid Steam data.
Fix some browsers rendering the logo wrong.
Store data for original Steam assets when getting info from Steam (Capsules, Logos, Heroes, Logo Positions, etc)
Show Steam data within a modal.
Update game pages to match the rest of the site.
Fix pluralization wherever asset counts are shown.
Fix modals cutting off on iOS.
Add ability to filter animated heroes and logos.
Add proper OpenGraph tags for animated permalink pages.
Don't use heroes marked as Adult Content or animated on the homepage.
Fix Steam preview overlay on animated heroes (FF/Gecko).
Fix inaccurate upload description for logos.
Serve images from a faster CDN.
Generate higher quality thumbnails for APNGs
Improved search results for search terms that include spaces.
Various changes to increase server performance.
Fix collection list not showing on logo pages
Fix Patron icon misaligning itself on Webkit browsers
Better permalink pages
Add support for animated logos
New badge for $5+ patrons
Increase logo file size limit to 15MB
Increase quality of animated hero thumbnails
Show upload/creation dates without time. (Can see exact time on hover)
Hide collection "+" button from logged out users
Try to mitigate cropping on custom Patron backgrounds. (Still WIP)
Add ability to remove assets from collections (From the collection edit page) [1]
Add toggle to switch homepage between carousel or the old view. [1]
Clicking "Submit" on the nav now opens the Grid/Hero modal. [1]
Scroll more when navigating the carousel. [1]
Add button to make a new collection in "Add to Collection" modal. [1]
Fix carousel on 4k screens [1]
Fix bug where heroes could not be uploaded if you previously uploaded a grid with a style that can't be used on Heroes. [1]
Added collections. [1]
Overhaul homepage.
New example images thanks to Qui-Gon Jinnah.
Moved Logo upload form to modal.
Add tabs to other search pages in results.
Changed the edit dropdown to a gear icon. [1]
Allow adding logos via drag & drop. [1]
Fix getting logged out for no reason. [1]
Fix permalink pages for logos
Removed the permalink button (can click the thumbnail to get there instead)
Fix hero thumbnails not loading on WebKit browsers
Added ability to mark uploads as NSFW . Upload freely without ruining the innocence of random people.
Change logo preview background to lighter color when hovering over it.
Show warning if uploading a poster or hero sized image as a logo.
Minor style changes.
The site has become a bit more expensive to run with influx of new users, pledging to the Patreon will help us cover some of the costs.
I've added some cosmetic Patron-only features to the site and the Discord.
Add style examples to upload form.
Add Patreon stuff.
Clean up home/profile/grid pages for higher resolutions. [1]
Show uploaded logos on user profiles. [1]
Fix filtering by types on grid search page.
Don't show Hero preview for Galaxy 2.0 backgrounds. [1]
Various minor bug fixes and improvements.
Logos can now be uploaded to the site!
Add library preview for Heroes when hovering the thumbnail.
Fix heroes "jumping" while thumbnail is loading.
Fix last selected style using "alternate" no matter what was chosen on upload.
Fix filtering grid results by type.
Fix long game titles breaking layout.
Fix metadata for Hero permalinks.
Add a search bar to the index
Add link to game request form.
Change processing text.
Hide download button if image still processing.
Make upload modal more mobile friendly
Optimizations to image processors
Fix registrations.
Fix infinite scrolling for logged out users.
Fix filters resetting when browsing latest images.
Add ability to upload Heroes (or Backgrounds for Galaxy 2.0)
Add ability to filter search results by type (Animated, Static)
Overhaul the upload form. You can now upload from any page by clicking "Upload" or by dragging images onto the page.
Rework the homepage.
Rework User, Search, and Game pages.
Save Tools (e.g. Dedicated Servers) and Applications (e.g. ASMR Universe, GameMaker Studio) when importing from Steam.
Minor style changes everywhere.
Fix legacy API not returning expected results.
Add ability to apply filters to the latest grids.
Add infinite scroll toggle.
Make game title in search results clickable.
Improve meta tags for game and grid pages
Fix size filters not updating on search pages.
New grid UI
Fix some APNG's and invalid PNG's not uploading properly.
APNG :champagne: :confetti_ball:
Allow editing your own grids from any page.
Show grid dimensions on grid element.
Raised file size limit to 75MB
If an upload is in progress, ask before closing tab.
Improve search results.
Move score above voting arrows.
Fix 404s on grid pages
Added Galaxy 2.0 size
Added ability to filter the various sizes
Add ability to permalink grids
Increase grid size cap to 6MB
Updated game search to return better results
Backend performance improvements
Fixed ability to login.
You can now upload the new grid format!
Increased image file size limit from 1MB to 1.5MB.
Overlay Editor is back. https://www.steamgriddb.com/tools/overlay-editor
Automatically select last chosen style when adding grids.
Don't load chart by default.
Add store link to GOG games.
Add game searching to user pages.
Add page buttons to bottom of user pages.
Add a time chart to user pages.
When searching, show games with grids on top of results first.
Add new style "White Logo"
Adjust sorting of grids. (Newer grids will always show before older ones.)
Add link to SteamGridDB Manager (https://www.steamgriddb.com/manager)
Add ability to change username in preferences
Add Terms and Privacy pages
Add an annoying cookie notification
Add a footer
Style changes
Update Steam game names when changes are found.
Optimize search speed.
Manually fixed/removed/merged 872 games (kill me)
Add animations to modals
Add ability to edit grids from profile page
Redirect to previous page when logging in or out
Make hero background appear more random
Minor styling changes
Fix grid "jumping" as grid loads on mobile
Lazy load grid images
Replace random grid hero image background with static scrolling grids
Update navigation to be more mobile friendly
Update buttons on profile and game pages
Fix grids not displaying properly on mobile
Fix style selector flashing when page is loading
Fix latest grids showing when scrolling on search results
Fix search value not being filled when visiting search page
Fix filters not being applied when visiting search page
Add link to Java API wrapper to API Docs.
More minor API fixes.
Add link to node-steamgriddb
in API docs
Force WWW
Minor API fixes
You can link to and use the back/forward buttons on search pages now.
Fix "See all # grids" showing up when it shouldn't.
Added more API endpoints
Added more response details to API docs
Added hero header explaining what the site is
Added ability to go to user pages by username (/profile/doZennn)
Replace logo with a vector image
Fix IE/Edge issues
Finally clean up the last of the code written 4 years ago.35 files changed, 1906 insertions(+), 1441 deletions(-)
Speed up the /grids/*
API endpoints.
Fix voting arrows not showing if you voted that you voted.
Add APIv2
Add more admin tools
Add ability to request games
Add Discord button
Add nicer 404 page
Rewrite more of old code
Show most upvoted grids first
Make most pages more mobile friendly
Better error handling on Upload page
Replace icon font with svg spritesheet for less bloat
Change some icons
Optimize endless scrolling on homepage
Remove FAQ page
Remove "under heavy development" text
Add Origin store button.
Fix broken link to game pages in search results.
Added ways for admins to (easily) manually add games from Origin/EGS.
Added all current EGS exclusive games to game database.
Show EGS info on game pages.
Migrate games database from legacy system.
Minor style changes.
Manually fixed grids orphaned from a site change in 2015.
Fixed multibyte characters not displaying.
Fix new Steam games not being added.
Added tagging system.
Updated Upload page.
Show message when no search results.
Make profile pages redirect to Public SteamID64 pages when visiting from other SteamID64 universes or Steam2/3 IDs.
Security improvements.
Updated style selectors/filters on Home and Upload pages.
Minor style tweaks everywhere.
Steam user avatars are now updated once a week.
Added a "Manage Grids" toggle to profile pages to manage your own grids.
User profiles now show a message if there are no grids.
CSS cleanup.
Only show paging and "Grids by [name]" if the user uploaded grids.
Added /api
Minor style tweaks & changes.
Added paging to profiles.
Added basic info to games that are on Steam.
Added a link to Steam, a profile pic, and some stats to profile pages.